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Renewal Requirements

Renewal Cycle: 3 Years

Renewal Deadline: Anniversary of initial licensure

CE Requirement: 24 hours

Required Courses: 12 Hours must be the 3 different 4-hour Annual Code Update Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain a Colorado real estate license?

Step 1: Meet the Education Requirement

  • Determine your Education Requirement — To qualify for a real estate broker license you must complete a minimum of 168 hours of qualifying education. The qualifying education must be obtained through either a nationally accredited community college or university OR a school approved by the Colorado Department of Private and Occupational Schools (DPOS). Qualifying and Additional Education Course Requirements:
    • Real Estate Law and Practice (48 hours)
    • Colorado Contracts and Regulations (48 hours)
    • Trust Accounts and Record Keeping (8 hours)
    • Current Legal Issues (8 hours)
    • Real Estate Closing (24 hours)
    • Practical Application (32 Hours)
  • Obtain a certificate of completion from the real estate school where you completed your education.
  • If you intend on qualifying based on a degree with a major course of study in real estate, obtain an official transcript from the accredited college or university you attended.
  • If you are applying under Colorado's limited recognition agreements, you must provide a certified license history from each jurisdiction in which you hold a license. (You must include a certified license history form for each jurisdiction in which you hold a license.)

Step 2: Schedule and Pass your Exam

  • PSI is the current exam vendor of the Division of Real Estate. Contact PSI Candidate Care Center at 855-744-0313 to make an exam reservation. Exam information and Candidate Bulletin

Step 3: Complete the Background Check Requirement

  • Prior to submitting an application for licensure, each application must submit a set of fingerprints to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the purpose of conducting a Colorado and national fingerprint-based criminal history background check utilizing records of CBI and the FBI. » More information

Step 4: Acquire Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance

  • Every active real estate licensee, including licensed real estate companies with more than one broker, shall have in effect a policy of errors and omissions insurance to cover all acts requiring a license. Licensees can be covered under their company's umbrella E&O policy. DORA has contracted with Rice Insurance Services, LLC to administer the group E&O insurance program for real estate brokers.

Step 5: Complete the Application

  • Colorado uses an electronic application process. You will need to register for an account before you will be able to complete the application process. Online License Application

What are my Colorado real estate continuing education requirements?

Brokers in Colorado are required to complete 24 hours of continuing education each three-year licensing cycle. Half of those hours (12 hours) must be comprised of three different 4-hour Annual Commission Update Courses. These courses are only available from January 1st through December 31st of the year and must be completed prior to December 31st. The remainder of the required hours (12) may be any combination of elective credit hours approved by DORA.

How often must I renew my Colorado real estate license?

Colorado Broker licenses must be renewed every three years.

When do I need to renew my Colorado real estate license?

Currently, all Colorado broker licenses expire on the anniversary date of the date of issuance. However, starting January 1, 2018, all licenses will move to a December 31st expiration date. DORA is currently ironing out the details.

Are your courses approved by Colorado Division of Real Estate?

Yes! Our course approval numbers are included in the course title.

Do you report my continuing education to Colorado Division of Real Estate?

No. DORA does not require continuing education providers to report course completion on behalf of the licensee. We provide you with printable certificates of completion that are immediately available to print. Colorado randomly selects a number of licensees to be part of a real estate broker continuing education audit each quarter. Selected licensees must demonstrate compliance with the continuing education requirements for the three-year license cycle they just completed. Your certificates are stored in your profile and are available for you to print at any time for a period of five years.

How long do I have to complete my courses after I purchase them?

Individual courses are available for six months from the date of purchase. The purchase of a package will give you access to the coursework for the full length of your licensing cycle (3 years).

A note about the Annual Commission Update course — per Colorado Department of Real Estate requirements, the Annual Commission Update course is only available during the calendar year that course pertains to, and it must be completed prior to December 31st of that year. For example, the current 24-hour complete package includes 2017, 2018, 2019 Annual Commission Update courses in addition to 12 elective hours. Only the 2017 Annual Commission Course has content that is available to be reviewed, and it must be completed prior to December 31, 2017. On January 1, 2018, the 2018 Annual Commission update will be made available to you, and the 2017 Annual Commission update will no longer be available.

Do I have to complete the course at one time?

No! You do not have to complete each course in one sitting. Your courses are available to you from any internet-enabled device, and our system will keep track of where you start and stop. Our courses are usually broken into 20-25 minutes intervals, which will make it easy for you to complete your course when it's convenient for you!

How do I renew my Colorado real estate license?

Colorado requires that brokers renew their license through their online system. You will need to register for an account if you do not already have one.

How much does it cost to renew my Colorado real estate license?

$123.00 | Broker Base Rate Renewal

» Full fee schedule

I missed the due date for my Colorado real estate license renewal, can I still renew?

Yes. Brokers in Colorado may renew their license up to two years past their expiration date.

Do I have to complete any continuing education if my Colorado real estate license is inactive?

No. If your license is inactive you do not need to complete any continuing education. Prior to the reactivation your license, you will be required to show proof of completion of the required continuing education or completion of the 24-hour Broker Reactivation course.

If your license has been inactive for longer than three years, you MUST complete either:

  • The State portion of the Colorado Broker's Exam, or
  • 48 hours in Colorado Contracts & Regulations and 24 hours in Real Estate Closings (for a total of 72 hours)

Contact Information

Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
Division of Real Estate
1560 Broadway, Suite 110
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303.894.2166
Email: dora_realestate_website@state.co.us
Online chat (M–F 10am–4pm MST)

PSI Services
Phone: 855.744.0313
Call Center Hours: Monday–Friday 5:30am–8:00pm Mountain Time
Saturday–Sunday 7:30am–3:00pm Mountain Time
Website: psiexams.com