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Hawaii Real Estate Continued Education Information

Total Hours: 20 hours


Licensees intending to renew their license on an active status by the renewal deadline of November 30 (even-numbered years) must complete 20 hours of approved continuing education courses during the biennium. The required continuing education hours include eight (8) hours for the commission designated core course, which may be offered in a two-part format or as a eight (8) hour core course, and twelve (12) hours of elective credit hours.

Renewal Cycle: Biennial

Renewal Deadline: January 1 of odd-numbered years through December 31 of even-numbered years

Core Hours: 8 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Renew My Hawaii Real Estate License?

All real estate broker and salesperson licenses, including corporations, partnerships, LLCs or LLPs, and sole proprietors must be renewed by the commission prescribed deadline prior to November 30th of each even-numbered year (e.g. 2008, 2010, etc.).

Licensees can renew their licenses online with their MyPVL account.

How Much Does It Cost To Renew My Real Estate License?

  • Broker — Corporation, Partnership, LLC, LLP: $272.00
  • Broker — Sole Proprietor: $248.00
  • Salesperson, Broker-Salesperson, PB, BIC: $210.00
  • Branch Office: $210.00

Does Hawaii Have Reciprocity With Any Other State?

The completion of the CE requirements in the other state may result in equivalency to the elective hours of the Hawaii CE requirement. The Hawaii licensee is still required to successfully complete the Hawaii-designated core course. An application must be submitted with the appropriate documents to qualify for this CE equivalency.

Who Submits Completed Continued Education?

The licensee is required to submit their completed continued education to the state. A certificate of completion will be available for you to print at the end of each course.

Are you approved through the state?

Currently awaiting approval.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
King Kalakaua Building
335 Merchant Street, Rm 333
Honolulu, HI 96813

Kauai: 274-3141
Maui: 984-2400
Hawaii: 974-4000
Molokai and Lanai: 1-800-468-4644

Email Address: hirec@dcca.hawaii.gov