We Are Here To Help!
Monday-Friday 9am-6pm ET

Renewal Requirements

Total Hours: 12 Hours

Renewal Deadline: Every two years by the last day of your birth month.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Renew My Idaho Real Estate License?

Licensees can renew their licenses online through the Idaho Real Estate Commission Login. The Idaho Real Estate Commission will send out a renewal notice 90 days prior to your license expiration date.

How Much Does It Cost To Renew My Idaho Real Estate License?

The renewal fee for a license is $160.00.

Does Idaho Have Real Estate License Reciprocity With Any Other State?

Idaho does not have reciprocity agreements with other states. If you are actively licensed in another state and wish to practice in Idaho you can contact the Board and be issued a license. You will not be required to take the pre-licensure course(s) or apply to the State, licensees will however, be required to take the Idaho Real Estate Law exam.

Who Submits Completed Idaho Real Estate Continued Education?

Idaho-certified course providers are required to post completed education to students/licensees' records within 5 business days of the course completion.

Are you approved through the Idaho Real Estate Board?

We do not offer state approved courses in the State of Idaho.

Contact Information

575 E. Parkcenter Blvd. Suite 180
Boise ID 83706

Telephone: 208-334-3285
Fax: 208-334-2050

Licensing Resources