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Renewal Requirements

Renewal Cycle: 2 Years

Renewal Deadline: Even Years

  • Broker: June 30th
  • Salesperson: September 30th

CE Requirement: 12 hours

Required Courses: 3 hour core class

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my Missouri real estate continuing education requirements?

Salespersons and Brokers in Missouri are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education each two-year license cycle. At least three hours are required to be in a core topic (MO Laws, Broker Supervision and Escrow Account Management, Fair Housing, Property Management, Commercial Brokerage or Agency and Brokerage Relationships).

When do I need to renew my Missouri real estate license?

All real estate licensees are required to renew their licenses in even number years. The next renewal year is 2018. Brokers will need to renew their licenses no later than June 30th, and Salespersons will need to renew their licenses no later than September 30th.

How do I renew my Missouri real estate license?

Missouri Real Estate Commission will mail out a paper renewal notice that will include your license number and PIN. This is usually sent mid to late April for brokers and mid to late July for Salespersons. Once you have that information you will be able to renew your license online at https://pr.mo.gov.

How much does it cost to renew my Missouri real estate license?

  • $50 | Broker (Active or inactive)
  • $40 | Salesperson (Active or inactive)
  • $150 | Non-Resident Broker (Active or inactive)
  • $100 | Non-Resident Salesperson (Active or inactive)

» Fees Schedule

I missed the due date for my Missouri real estate license renewal. Can I still renew?

Yes, however, your license will not be considered active, and you will not be able to engage in any real estate activity until your license is reinstated to active status. Late renewals are subject to a $50 per month or partial month penalty, up to a $200 maximum. Late renewals cannot be submitted online.

Do I have to complete any continuing education if my Missouri real estate license is inactive?

No. Continuing education is not required while on inactive status, however, before the licensee can activate the license, completion of the 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice Course is required.

Does Missouri have reciprocity with other states?

Yes, Missouri does have provisions for individuals who hold a real estate license in another state/jurisdiction. Click here for more information.

How do I obtain a Missouri real estate license?

Step 1: Meet the Requirements

  • Applicants must be 18 years of age
  • Applicants must show evidence of being fingerprinted through the approved statewide vendor, 3M/Cogent. To be fingerprinted through 3M/Cogent, you must first register with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) at machs.mo.gov. You will need to provide MREC's four-digit registration number (0004) in order to register to be fingerprinted. This will authorize the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the FIB to send the results to MREC.

Step 2: Fulfill the education requirements

  • Earn a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion from a 48-hour pre-exam salesperson course from an accredited Missouri real estate school on or before the exam date; OR
  • Be a licensed attorney.

Step 3: Pass the exam

  • You must pass BOTH portions of the Missouri Salesperson Examination. Click here for more information. If you hold a current and active real estate license in another jurisdiction, you need only pass the STATE portion of the Missouri salesperson exam.

Step 4: Complete the MREP

  • Prior to submitting your application to MREC, you must complete the 24-hour Missouri Real Estate Practice Course (MREP). MREP course can be taken before or after the exam date.

Step 5: Submit the Application

  • Instructions for submitting your application are found on the reverse side of your passing score report. Be sure to include all of the required information. Complete applications must be submitted within six months of the completion date of the 48-hour pre-exam salesperson course or within six months of the first passing exam score (if education requirements are waived).

Contact Information

Missouri Real Estate Commission
3605 Missouri Boulevard
PO Box 1339
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1339

Phone: 573.751.2628
Fax: 573.751.2777
TTY: 800.735.2966
Voice Relay: 800.735.2466
Email: realestate@pr.mo.gov