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New Mexico Real Estate Continued Education Information

Total Hours: 30 hours


The thirty (30) continuing education hours must include the eight (8) credit hour real estate commission mandatory course during each licensing cycle. Of the remaining twenty-two (22) credit hours, ten (10) credit hours may be credited toward the continuing education requirement from approved training category courses. At least twelve (12) credit hours must be taken from approved education category courses; however, all twenty-two (22) credit hours may be taken from the list of commission-approved education category courses.

Renewal Cycle: Triennial

Renewal Deadline: Licenses expire every three years on the last day of the month following the licensee's birth month.

Core Hours: 8 mandatory hours

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Renew My New Mexico Real Estate License?

License renewal forms are mailed to the licensee residential mailing address on file with the Commission one month before the licensee's birth month in the year that the license is due to expire.

How Much Does It Cost To Renew My Real Estate License?

  • Associate Broker Renewal (3 year renewal): $270
  • Qualifying Broker Renewal (3 year renewal): $270
  • Late Renewal Fee: $810
    • Includes $270 renewal fee and $540 penalty. License can be renewed with a late fee up to one year after expiration.

Does New Mexico Have Reciprocity With Any Other State?

Yes. New Mexico has reciprocity agreements with Massachusetts, Louisiana and Georgia.

Who Submits Completed Continued Education?

Real Estate Training Institute submits all completed continued education to the State Commission. Students have access to downloadable certificates for their records.

Are you approved through the state?

Not at this time.

Contact Information

Boards & Commissions
PO Box 25101
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
(505) 476-4622

Licensing Resources