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Renewal Requirements

Renewal Cycle: 2 Years

Renewal Deadline: Last day of birth month

CE Requirement: 30 hours

Required Courses:

  • 1st renewal: 3 hours of Law & Rule | 27 hours of Broker Advanced Practices
  • Subsequent Renewals: 3 hours of Law & Rule

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my Oregon real estate continuing education requirements?

Brokers and Principal Brokers in Oregon are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education each two-year license cycle. If this is your first renewal, your CE must include the 3-hour Law and Rule Required Course (LARRC) and the 27-hour Broker Advanced Practices course. For all subsequent renewals, your 30 hours must include the 3-hour LARRC and 27 hours of electives.

How often must I renew my Oregon real estate license?

Broker, Principal Broker, and Property Management licenses must be renewed every two years. However, your first license period will most likely be shorter. Your license always expires on the last day of the month that your birthday is in.

When do I need to renew my Oregon real estate license?

Your Oregon real estate license will expire on the last day of your month of birth, every other year.

How do I renew my Oregon Broker, Principal Broker or Property Manager real estate license?

  1. Take the required continuing education
  2. Enter the continuing education course information into eLicense
  3. Renew your license in eLicense
  4. Keep your certificates of completion for 3 years. (Your certificates will be available for you to reference or print for 5 years in our system.)

How much does it cost to renew my Oregon Broker, Principal Broker or Property Manager real estate license?

  • $230 | Active license renewal
  • $110 | Inactive license renewal

I missed the due date for my Oregon real estate license renewal. Can I still renew?

If you fail to renew your license before the license expiration day, you have one year to renew your license. Renew as you would for an active license, and pay the $30 late fee in addition to the $230 renewal fee.

Do I have to complete any continuing education if my Oregon real estate license is inactive?

No continuing education is required if your Oregon real estate license is inactive.

Does Oregon have reciprocity with other states?

Oregon has reciprocal licensing agreements with the following states/provinces:

  • Alabama
  • Alberta
  • Georgia
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota

Contact OREA for more information

How do I obtain an Oregon real estate license?


  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have a high school diploma, GED, or international equivalent

Licensing Steps

  • Register for an eLicense (eLicense is the Oregon Real Estate Agency online license management system.)
  • Apply for a broker license and pay the $230 application fee. When the application is processed you will receive an Applicant ID number by email.
  • Complete 150 hours of required broker pre-license education. Hours must be completed through an OREA approved provider
    • Give your Applicant ID number and full name to the provider.
    • The provider will make you eligible to take the license exam.
    • Only courses completed on or after January 1, 2013, meet licensing requirements.
  • Contact PSI (testing services provider) to schedule and pay for the broker license exam.
  • Pass both sections of the broker license exam.*
  • Pay and get fingerprinted for the required background check while at the PSI testing center.*

* Please note: License exam scores and background check clearances are each good for one year. OREA will only issue a license while the relevant scores and background check clearance are valid.

Your license will be issued when:

  • Your background check clears
  • Your new principal broker adds your pending license to the business
  • OREA completes a final review of your application

You will receive an email when your license is issued.

Contact Information

Oregon Real Estate Agency
530 Center St NE, Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301

Phone: (503) 378-4170
Email: orea.info@state.or.us