Michigan Fair Housing
1 Fair Housing Credit Hour | 1 CEU | Audio Course | Course Approval # 087453
This course provides an hour of Instruction on Fair Housing and covers the concept of fair housing, the history of housing practices, how fair housing benefits the real estate industry, and the Fair Housing Act.
Course Description
This continuing education course for real estate professionals in Michigan is designed to provide an hour of instruction on fair housing. This course will explore the concept of fair housing, the history of housing practices, how fair housing benefits the real estate industry, and the Fair Housing Act.
Learning Objective:
At the completion of the course, real estate professionals will be able to:
- Describe the concept of fair housing;
- Define terms such as “discrimination,” “protected class, and “redlining”;
- Explain how the legal framework of fair housing regulations has evolved over time;
- Understand how federal fair housing regulations benefit real estate professionals and real estate businesses and the communities they operate within;
- Operate in accordance with the Fair Housing Act;
- Explain how the Fair housing Act has changed since it was passed into law