Michigan Fair Housing II

1 Fair Housing Credit Hour | 1 CEU | Audio Course | Course Approval # 084834
Real estate professionals in Michigan can satisfy their state-specific requirement for continuing education on fair housing law with this 1-hour course. Topics covered will include the Fair Housing Act, recent statutory amendments, the fair housing complaint process, and how to advertise in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.


Course Details

This 1-hour course satisfies the Michigan real estate licensing requirement for annual continuing education on fair housing. In each year of the license renewal cycle, the state requires real estate licensees to take no less than one hour of education dedicated to local, state, or federal fair housing laws. 

This course is split into five sections, as follows: 

  • Introduction to Fair Housing 
    • In the first segment, we will provide an overview of fair housing concepts. We will explore the federally protected classes under the Fair Housing Act. We will also discuss the Michigan laws that govern equal opportunity housing in the state. 
  • The Fair Housing Act 
    • In the second segment, we will take a look at some specific statutes of the federal Fair Housing Act including a discussion on exemptions.  
  • The Fair Housing Complaint Process 
    • In the third segment, we will lay out the steps involved in the HUD administrative complaint process and discuss the agencies responsible for enforcement of fair housing law.  
  • Fair Housing Act Amendments 
    • Fourth, we will study recent changes related to protections under the federal Fair Housing Act. 
  • Fair Housing and Advertising Real Estate 
    • In the final segment of the course, we will review the standards to uphold for non-discriminatory marketing in the real estate industry.