Michigan PSI Exam Prep

Exam Prep 
This exam prep will help you pass your licensing exam 475 practice questions based on the exam outline.
Exam prep details:

  • Retake the 80-question practice exam as often as you'd like and receive new questions each time.
  • Unlimited attempts


You will want to go over this Exam as many times as it takes until you feel confident with the material.

Testing services regularly meet with committees of professionals who are subject matter experts in real estate practice and regulatory issues. They then develop test questions which reflect the industry. While these questions may not be exact questions from the exams, these questions are created to be as close to the actual test as it gets. The experts who created this real estate practice exam program have also contributed to the creation of actual questions used across the nation on real estate salesperson and broker exams.

This program is flexible to your schedule and study techniques and can be taken as many times as you wish. The dynamic review feature allows you to watch your scores improve. Users are free to navigate through questions at will on any computer, smartphone or mobile device.

  • Navigate questions at will 24/7
  • Works on any computer or mobile device